Today in Hur1 we learned about Early Encounters in Aotearoa, and like my other blog post. The last one was about the Maori arriving and this one is about what they named the land. How they battled, Musket wars and how they arriving.
It trundles out there are more Maori people then Pakeha. The Maori people had 40 well, the Pakeha people had 1. In 1642 was the year they arriving.
Next question was the name that they gave the land - New Zealand - They named it Nouveau Zelandia.
Something that they had war with was a Musket. A Musket is a gun like rifle, They had wars with them that ended in late 1830's.
But the last question is What did the Europeans brought to Aotearoa, They brought Pigs,Potatoes,Rats and Diseases.Here is a photo of Abel Tasman and James Cook

Today we had to do an activity about adverbs. Then circle what describes the word.
For example, Yesterday I walked to the dairy. So now I'm gonna add to it, Early yesterday morning I slowly walked to the small dairy.
Here's another one: The birds sang a song. The tui sang a graceful song.
The singer was good, The confident singer was amazingly good at singing.
Today we had to do a reading activity about Tangata Whenua. It's about Maori and Moriori and how they came to New Zealand, and how they live there.It also talks about how they got food and planted seeds. They killed all the native Moa and some other birds for food and lived at the top off New Zealand because it was easier to grow the crops in NZ
Here's a picture of what they sailed in...
Today we had to watch a documentary about sugar. We learn about the max sugar we should have and we should have 5-6 teaspoons of sugar, and is better to eat an orange then have OJ. Then we had to list 3 ways we can avoid eating sugar, the three things I listed, Don't drink too much sugar drinks. Don't have a fizzy drink before you eat because then it will make you eat more. Drink water instead off fizzy, and here's three other things if you eat to much sugar, So you can get Heart disease, liver disease, and diabetes.
for the week or two we have been watching a movie called "The Martian" and the next few sentence and spoilers for the movie so if you don't went to know what happens for the start of the movie. So the movie is about an ares III Crew who are completing a mission on mars,and a big storm comes and they have to abort the mission or risk getting injured so they decide to leave the mission but one of the crew members Mark gets hit by a debris and is lost in the storm so the rest of the crew thinks that Mark is dead and they leave without him and his body is still on the planet.