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What happened to make ww1 begin?
His wife and his own self got shot and died, He had the Hungarian throne, and he also died in bosnia ,The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand led up to the war,and Gavrilo princlp killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
P3 - The Schlieffen Plan
He planned to defeat Germany had been preparing for war for years, The Belgian army put up strong, when the German troops reached the French border the french army were waiting for them, the great britian declared a war on Germany on 4th of August
P4 - The Cavalry
When the war broke out all armies still had a cavalry and the British alone owned 25’000 horses but only 80 motor vehicles, after August 1914 cavalry charges were reduced horse were put to work pulling artillery in August the British landed in France and marched to face the German army at Mons in Belgium
P8 and P16/17 - The Trenches
Life in the trenches was muddy, miserable and dangerous,Standing in muddy, flooded trenches gave many soldiers ‘trench foot,Trenches often flooded, Soldiers on both sides were prone to catching lice.They also caught diseases from the trench rats
P17 - Poison Gas
Poison gas was a new weapon they made, tear gas made there eyes water, chlorine and phonephone attacked the lungs and led to drowning, Mustard gas burned the body inside to out, Poison gas was first used in January 1915
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